
How To Get Multiple Line Items In Advanced Pricing Api In Oracle Apps R12

    To create a pricing formula:

  1. Navigate to the Pricing Formulas window.

The Pricing Formulas window displays.

  1. Enter the name of the new pricing formula in the Name field.
  1. Enter a description of the pricing formula in Description.
  1. Enter the effective dates of the pricing formula in the Effective Dates field.
  1. Enter the formula expression in the Formula field.

The formula is an arithmetic expression made up of step numbers that you enter in the Formula Lines tabbed region. You can repeat step numbers in the formula.

In the Formula Lines tabbed region, refer to steps 6 through 9 for each component of the formula.

  1. Select a value for Formula Type.
  1. Enter the following information depending on Formula Type:
    • Numeric Constant--Enter the numeric constant in Component.
    • Pricing attribute--Select the pricing context in Pricing Attribute Context. Select the pricing attribute name in Pricing Attribute.
    • Factor List--Select or enter the name of a factor list in Component. To use an existing factor list, select it from the list of values. To create a new factor list, enter the name and the form creates it.
  1. Enter the step number for the component.

You cannot repeat step numbers in this region even though you can repeat step numbers in the formula.

  1. Save your work.

If the Formula Type is Factor List, select the Factors button to enter factor list details.

To define factor list details:

  1. In the Pricing Formulas window, Formula Lines tabbed region, select the Factors button.

The Factors window displays.

In the Base Pricing Attributes region, perform steps 2-8 for each base pricing attribute factor.

  1. Select a value for Base Pricing Attribute Context.

If you have multiple entries, you must use the same base context in this region (to create an OR condition); the pricing engine chooses one of the entries. Use the Associate Pricing Attributes region to associate additional contexts with the base context (to create an AND condition).

  1. Select a value for Base Pricing Attribute.
  1. Select Comparison Operator and enter the Value From and Value To as follows:

If you select Between, you must enter a value for Value From. If you do not enter a value for Value To, it defaults to unlimited.

If you select =, you must enter Value From and you cannot enter Value To.

  1. Enter the Adjustment Factor.
  1. Perform steps 7 and 8 for each associate pricing attribute.
  1. In the Associate Pricing Attributes region, select an Associated Pricing Attribute Context and Associated Pricing Attribute to associate with the base pricing attribute context and base pricing attribute values (to create an AND condition).
  1. Select Comparison Operator and enter the Value From and Value To as follows:

If you select Between, you must enter a value for Value From. If you do not enter a value for Value To, it defaults to unlimited.

If you select =, you must enter Value From and you cannot enter Value To

  1. Save your work.

Promotions and Coupons

Note The Promotions and Coupons tabbed regions are only enabled if you have licensed and installed Oracle Advanced Pricing.

  1. From the Order Information tabbed region, select the Actions button and select Promotion/Pricing Attributes to enter asked for promotions or coupons that apply to the whole order.

To enter asked for promotions or coupons for a specific order line, select the Actions button and select Promotion/Pricing Attributes in the Line Items tabbed region. The Promotions/Pricing Attributes window appears.

  1. Enter "asked for" promotions in the Promotions tabbed region.

For order level, the pricing engine applies the promotion to all lines of the order if the customer is eligible for them, unless you select Override Flag. For line level, the promotion is applied just to this line if eligible, unless you select Override Flag.

  1. Enter coupon information in the Coupons tabbed region.

For order level, the pricing engine applies coupons to all lines of the order if the customer is eligible for them, unless you select Override Flag.

For line level, the pricing engine applies the coupon to the line if eligible, unless you select Override Flag.

  1. Choose Apply.

The promotion or coupon will be applied to your order or line.

The Advanced Pricing engine returns the following to Order Management:

    • If a modifier type is promotional goods, new order lines are created for the promotion. The new promotion lines are automatically added or adjusted to accommodate changes and adjustments to the ordered line item. However, if the original order line item is deleted or cancelled, the promotional order line must be manually deleted.
    • When modifier type item upgrade, Pricing updates the item number to the new upgraded item number.
    • When the modifier type is terms substitution, Pricing updates shipment priority code, payment term or freight term in Order Management.

Note: Ensure you do not violate Order Management processing constraints when defining your modifiers, else modifiers will not be applied. For example, you can not upgrade an item after an order is Booked.Order lines created as a result of a Promotional Goods modifier have calculate price flag as 'Partial Price', therefore freight charges will be applied on these lines if qualified. For example, a PRG modifier line is defined within the Modifiers window as: Buy A get B free. A freight charge modifier line is defined as: Buy B get 10% freight charge. In Order Management, when a customer buys A, an additional order line will be created with item B, with calculate price flag as Partial Price). The 10% freight charge will be applied.

  • Oracle Pricing does not automatically create promotional goods lines inside a model because it cannot guarantee that the free good is part of the correct model definition. For example, if you set up the promotional goods modifier Buy A get B free and then order model C with option A, the pricing engine returns:
    • 1.1 Item C (Model)
    • 1.1.1 Item A (Option)
    • 2.1 Item B (Promotional good)

If you want B to be part of model C in the same situation, set up an other item discount modifier type, and select B as an option. For example, if you set up the other item discount modifier buy A and B, get 100% off B and then order model C with options A and B, the pricing engine returns:

    • 1.1 Item C (Model)
    • 1.1.1 Item A (Option)
    • 1.1.2 Item B (Option with other item discount)

Pricing for Service Items

Service items are only priced after you have entered service information in the service tab, and then are priced just as any other item processed by the pricing engine. Service item can have a list price or be defined as percent based within a price list. In Oracle Order Management the parent item is the serviceable item, and must be defined.

When pricing a service item, Order Management always passes the service item and the serviceable item to the pricing engine. When the price of the service item is percent based, the pricing engine calculates the price of the service item as a percentage of the list price of the serviceable (parent) item. The pricing engine will attempt to find the price of the serviceable item first, and then proceed to calculate the price of the service item.

The table below displays Oracle Pricing APIs that are called based upon a order header or Order Line attributes.

Order Management Attribute

Pricing API


Ordered Quantity


The quantity of service being ordered in UOM of parent item

Ordered UOM code


The unit of measure (time scale)

Service Duration for Service Period


The time duration of service being ordered*

For Example:

Ordered Quantity of 1 for a service item Computer Maintenance defined with a service duration of 1 year.

P_Line_Tbl.UOM_Quantity is the service duration expressed in P_Line_Tbl.Line_UOM_Code and P_Line_Tbl.Line_UOM_Code is the same as Ordered UOM code.

Pricing Service Line using Unit Price Example

Price list setup for unit price:

    • Product : Computer Service
    • Application Method : Unit Price
    • UOM Code : Month
    • List Price : $10.00

Order Management Order Line:

    • Product : Computer Service
    • Ordered Quantity : 1
    • Ordered UOM : Month
    • Service Period : Year
    • Service Duration : 1
    • Serviceable Item : Laptop Computer

Unit list price returned for order line returned by pricing engine: $120.00

Pricing Service Line using Percent Price Example

Price list setup for percent price:

  • Product : Computer Service
  • Application Method : Percent Price
  • UOM Code : Month
  • Percent Price : 2
    • Product : Lap Top Computer
    • Application Method : Unit Price
    • UOM Code : Each
    • Percent Price : $1000

Order Management Order Line:

    • Product : Computer Service
    • Ordered Quantity : 1
    • Ordered UOM : Month
    • Service Period : Year
    • Service Duration : 1
    • Serviceable Item : Laptop Computer

Unit list price for Computer Service order line returned by pricing engine: $240

    • 2% of 1000 * 12 = 240

Split Order Lines

Order Management enables you to split order lines to meet your customer's needs. Until the product is shipped, your customer can request to change the shipping quantity or need by date for part of their order. You can meet such requests by splitting the order line into multiple shipments, via the Split Lines window. When an order line is split in this manner, it is considered a manual or user initiated split.


  1. Navigate to the Order Organizer window.
  1. Query the order which contains the line you want to split.
  1. Select the order line you want to split.
  1. Select the Actions button, then select Split Line.

The Split Line window displays.

The Split Line window displays with one record, with the Request Date, Ship to and Warehouse defaulted from the original line.

Attention If you split an order line into multiple lines and want to retain the original price on both the original line and new lines, change your Calculate Price Flag to either:


Freeze Price or

before initiating a user split.

  1. Create new records per your split requirement.
  • Enter the split quantity for the first order line in the qty field, then enter the remaining quantity for the second split line or choose to create additional split lines.
  • The secondary quantity field (Qty2) supports the splitting of a line into multiple shipments using secondary quantity for items that are dual UOM controlled.

Note The Total split quantity entered (shipment quantity) for all split lines entered within the Split Line window must equal the original order line quantity. For example, if the original order line quantity was 40, you can choose to split the quantity evenly between 2 lines (qty. of 20 for each line), 4 lines (qty. 10 for each line), or any combination of lines provided the total split quantity equals the original order line quantity.For lines generated as a result of a user or system split, resulting line numbers created utilize the same line number and then append the Shipment Number. For example, if your original order line was 5.1, and you choose to split the line into 3 split lines, the resulting split order lines would appear as 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, respectively.

  1. Select Split to confirm the split.

You can split only at the top-level line in a configuration, i.e. you can split only a model line and not at the option or class level. You can split only a kit line and not at the included item level. When a model or kit line is split, Order Management splits each item beneath the Model proportionately.

When a configuration or kit is shipped out of proportion, the system creates remnant sets. Lines in a remnant sets are treated as stand-alone lines by shipping and fulfillment. Remnant sets can arise only out of system initiated splits.


When a serviceable item line is split, Order Management will split any service item lines beneath it.

System Processing Constraints for Split Lines

System defined constraints are as follows:

  • User initiated splits not enabled on return lines.
  • User initiated splits not enabled on a line that is purchase released, ship-confirmed, invoice interfaced, fulfilled or closed.
  • User initiated splits not enabled on any lines in a configuration once any line in the configuration is ship-confirmed, invoice interfaced, fulfilled, or closed.
  • User initiated splits not enabled on any lines in a configuration once a configured item is created.
  • User initiated splits are not enabled for internal order lines.

Additionally to meet your specific business needs, you can set up constraints to prevent user initiated splits at earlier points in the line flow. Define the constraints against splits using the Split operation.

System Initiated Splits

Order Management automatically initiates a system split for order and return lines into multiple shipments when they are have been partially processed. This is true for all order lines except internal order lines, which are never split by the system.

Such system initiated splits occur as follows:

When Order Lines are partially processed at:

    • Ship Confirmation - When your shipping department finds that stock on hand is less than the ordered quantity, you can ship the available quantity and Order Management will split the line so that the customer can be billed for what was shipped.
    • Purchase Release Receipt - When a Drop-Ship Line is partially received, Order Management splits the line so that a customer can be invoiced for what was already shipped.

When Return Lines are partially processed at:

    • Return Receipt - When your customer returns partial quantity on a return, Oracle Order Management splits the return line so that customers can be issued credit for what was returned.

For both user and system initiated splits, Order Management retains all of the original line information including attachments, discounts, flow status, sales credits, reservations, taxes, and holds.

The Calculate Price Flag on the order line entity controls if pricing/charge calculations should be done on the line:

  • If it is set to Calculate Price, both pricing and freight charges calculation are done.
  • If it is set to Partial Price, only freight charges calculation is done.
  • If it is set to Freeze Price, neither pricing nor freight charges calculation is done.

The following table shows the value of the Calculate Price Flag before and after a user or system initiated split.

Calculate Price Flag

Original Line before split: Calculate Price

Original line before split: Partial Price

Original line before split: Freeze Price

Original line after user initiated split

Calculate Price

Partial Price

Freeze Price

New line after user initiated split

Calculate Price

Partial Price

Freeze Price

Original line after system initiated split

Partial Price

Partial Price

Freeze Price

New line after system initiated split

Freeze Price

Freeze Price

Freeze Price

Pricing for each line during the split will be controlled by the "after split" value of the calculate price flag as shown in the table above.

If the after split value of the calculate price flag is Calculate Price:

    • Automatic Fixed Amount adjustments get re-calculated
    • Automatic Percent Based adjustments get re-calculated
    • Manual Fixed Amount adjustments get Pro-rated
    • Manual Percent based adjustments get duplicated

If the after split value of the calculate price flag is Partial Price:

    • Automatic Fixed Amount adjustments: charges get re-calculated, price adjustments get Pro-rated
    • Automatic Percent Based adjustments: charges get re-calculated, price adjustments get duplicated
    • Manual Fixed Amount adjustments get Pro-rated
    • Manual Percent based adjustments get duplicated

If the after split' value of the calculate price flag is Freeze Price:

    • Automatic Fixed Amount adjustments get Pro-rated
    • Automatic Percent Based adjustments get duplicated
    • Manual Fixed Amount adjustments get Pro-rated
    • Manual Percent based adjustments get duplicated

How To Get Multiple Line Items In Advanced Pricing Api In Oracle Apps R12


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